I’m wanting to start a new round of my Chinese red noodle beans, that will produce as we head to Fall. Can I use the newly pulled dried ones that I’m using for seed saving? Or do I need to buy new ones and save the fresh ones for spring 2021?
These little guys are about to destroy my red lettuce, right before I’m able to save seeds from it. Are they going to become something beautiful, or just a pest?
Thank you! They have been a delight to watch grow. When we moved here in mid-March, they were completely hidden under leaves, which the previous owner hadn’t cleared for some time. A few brave ones poked up a few inches out of the pile as the weather warmed and then they just exploded after we...
On my second attempt, ive managed to successfully grow agastache! I grew it with the understanding it was a tea herb. Any suggestions for use? Or your experiences with it?