@heirloomgal....seeing those cedar logs brought me back to long ago when we had cedar chests and cedar lined closets to keep moths and insects off of clothing...i would save that bark and use it around my plants that are plagued by bad bugs, try it around zucchini to see if it will deter squash...
zeedman...it's hard to tell from your pic, but I think this may be your yellow weed...
as for your yellow strawberry, there are yellow alpines..maybe a bird dropped a seed?
When unsure if they need water, just stick your finger into the soil near your plant. If it's dry, water. If still unsure, dig down a couple of inches and grab a golf ball sized amount of soil...squeeze it...if it crumbles it's too dry, if it sticks together, it's moist enough.
This article says it is starting to invade the Portland area...
The plant stems are edible and they make a dish called "fuki" from the stems.
The smoke here, (upstate NY) is awful, it's in the red zone on their charts for today and tomorrow. I have asthma and it's tightening my lungs. My eyes are scratchy, and my poor cat has scratchy eyes, too.
Even though this is bad, and it is..it has happened at least 42 times since 1790 when...
I live in a very rural area, but I always thought that people in villages should band together...one plants corn, another beans, etc. This way nobody has to tend a full garden and everyone would get a share and be fed good produce.
so...zeedman...this is your new challenge ! Take a few peanuts and let them just dry cure over the winter, then you get to taste test them and report back for all of us !!!!
When squirrels take nuts, they bury them, so I wonder if storage kind of naturally brings out the sweetness, kind of like sweet potatoes...fresh, they're awful, stored for a while, much better.
From what I understand, it is done much like tissue culture. They would take a cell from an animal and put it on a growing medium(agar for plants)..don't know what it is for animals..then by adding hormones it would replicate over and over until it is a large enough for whatever their purpose...
What's this? What once was a 3 year warranty, is now a lifetime warranty? I won't have to buy another new serpentine belt again. How crazy is that
usually warrantees diminish, not get better...congrats on that! Now if they'd make one for my mower...lol
your trees look really good...i know what...
Heads up...you might want to buy a new belt to have on hand...the one in the pic looks like it's on it's last leg.
I live in a rural area and usually have my spare parts ready to go...nothing irritates me more than having to make a trip to town when I could be doing so many other things here.
ducks4you...this is very,very late for us. We've had a very cold wet spring. We have a frost warning for tonight...in 30+ years of gardening here, I've never had my garden go in this late. Even if tonight is the last of the frost, it's still going to be days till the soil warms enough to plant...