You are so right, hoodat. Nothing like a clean blanket of snow to give everything that Christmas card look. Now, don't make me think of the black piles of snow along the roads in late winter- that is not the stuff of Christmas cards!
I remember the ice storms we used to get in Oklahoma. Some of them kept building ice for two or three days. Talk about a fairyland!! Everything was so sparkly bright you couldn't look directly at it without very dark glasses. But then you begin to hear the trees going over in the woods and the big braches crashing down. Then to top it off the electric lines start breaking. Terrible price to pay for beauty.
lesa, looks like you guys are getting your share now. very nice pics of the snow & nice looking flock of hens you have. Sounds like the mid west is in for some nasty weather for the next few days, will it reach your area also BRRR!
Hoodat, we had a major ice storm here back in 97 the damage to trees, houses, and infrastructure was massive. It sure was pretty though!
Much prefer hoar frost to ice storms! Altho', the fog that brings it may also bring icy roads and dangerous driving.
Here is an image that I came up with when I searched for "hoar frost" and "Palouse" to give you a look at what the scenery can be like down in Collector's part of the world. WunderPhotos
The ice storm Collector was talking about nearly predates the world wide web. There are some picture of local conditions after that storm here (click). I felt so very lucky to have had no real problems that time. The power line came down next door and created a very dangerous situation. About 50 yards away, everyone lost their 220 service and all that meant but a couple miles away, all electricity (traffic signals, street lights, residential and everything) was off for 3 weeks!
Lesa, you should think about posting your photo's with There are some lovely images there. You can see them by going there and looking for "WunderPhotos" along the left side of the page .
Wow, Steve that frost looks really neat. Can't help but feel sorry for those icy bisson. I remember a beautiful ice storm we had here. My daughter and I went outside to admire it close up. Then, we started hearing the trees cracking and breaking!! Inside we went.
That wunderphotos website is very uplifting. Sometimes I am sure, we humans have ruined everything in nature... Nice to see that incredible beauty still exists! Pretty sure my backyard pics have no business on there, but thanks for the thought Steve!