Garden Master
It is a new experience for me. There have been a few years when I haven't had one square foot of garden. Probably more often, I have had a little more cool and comfortable green lawngrass to walk on and got busy to but in some garden beds for flowers and veggies. More years than both of those, I have finagled ways to have more ground available than I really needed to grow plants, taking pleasure in those abundant square feet.
Beginning in 2024, our garden shrunk to what I understand to be of average, familly-size. It is somewhat disconcerting to not be able to grow an over abundance of whatever ... I am still adjusting because the previous years with this average garden size was back in the early 90's!
I think that we will be okay. I'm unwilling to venture farther afield these days unlike when those opportunities presented themselves in the past. I have long imagined a home environment where everything that I wanted for the table was right down the backsteps — all there! Truth be known, i became dang tired of driving the miles to tend distant gardens no matter how much joy I experienced while I was there
@Nyboy took pleasure in knowing his neighbor and client Martha Stewart. Certainly, her television shows and magazine/cookbooks have inspired millions. Here is something that I read this morning that fits well with the idea of the average, home garden. There is plenty of room for us to put our own preferences in play but the pleasant concepts covered are valuable ones.
Beginning in 2024, our garden shrunk to what I understand to be of average, familly-size. It is somewhat disconcerting to not be able to grow an over abundance of whatever ... I am still adjusting because the previous years with this average garden size was back in the early 90's!
I think that we will be okay. I'm unwilling to venture farther afield these days unlike when those opportunities presented themselves in the past. I have long imagined a home environment where everything that I wanted for the table was right down the backsteps — all there! Truth be known, i became dang tired of driving the miles to tend distant gardens no matter how much joy I experienced while I was there
@Nyboy took pleasure in knowing his neighbor and client Martha Stewart. Certainly, her television shows and magazine/cookbooks have inspired millions. Here is something that I read this morning that fits well with the idea of the average, home garden. There is plenty of room for us to put our own preferences in play but the pleasant concepts covered are valuable ones.
19 Vegetable Garden Ideas for a Productive Harvest in Any Size Yard
Have you ever wanted to grow your own produce at home? These vegetable garden ideas will inspire you to do just that.