Garden Master
I mentioned this before: I once told a group of gardeners (not just one gardener! ), that I was using cotton string on my garden trellis and tossing it in the compost because it's biodegradable.
I am so sorry I did that! Both, suggested that it was a good idea and threw that string in the compost. I had so much trouble with that compost! It might be biodegradable but it took years!
Recently, I made a comment about having grown Fantastic and Super Fantastic tomatoes for years, before getting off the idea that every tomato has to be red and round. A gardener (not on TEG) bought Super Fantastic plants. I think I grew it 2 years and it prompted adventuring into broader choices. I remember thinking, "if this is supposed to be an improvement on Fantastic, they didn't have my values in mind." ... it was okay.
I often go for "weasel words." I used to use that cliche, "your mileage may vary." We probably need an updated cliche. Sometimes, my statements are not clear. Sometimes, I just error.
I am so sorry I did that! Both, suggested that it was a good idea and threw that string in the compost. I had so much trouble with that compost! It might be biodegradable but it took years!
Recently, I made a comment about having grown Fantastic and Super Fantastic tomatoes for years, before getting off the idea that every tomato has to be red and round. A gardener (not on TEG) bought Super Fantastic plants. I think I grew it 2 years and it prompted adventuring into broader choices. I remember thinking, "if this is supposed to be an improvement on Fantastic, they didn't have my values in mind." ... it was okay.
I often go for "weasel words." I used to use that cliche, "your mileage may vary." We probably need an updated cliche. Sometimes, my statements are not clear. Sometimes, I just error.