Deeply Rooted
I was out checking the chicks a little bit ago. DW noticed that one appeared to have blood on the tail feathers. I put on my glasses and had a look. Sure enough, there it was. I gathered the chick up and had a look. It's being pecked right around the tail feathers. After close examination, there is another also being pecked. Both are Amberlinks. So, I watched for awhile. I noted that a few of the other chicks were pecking them, but one Australorp was relentless. It seemed to hunt down the most injured chick and pow, pow, pow...over and over again. The poor chick would move away, but the 'lorp just wouldn't stop.
So, I took an empty box, got out the temp feeder and water bowls and moved the spare light over it. Made a lid out of chicken wire and bulldog clips and tada...chicken jail. The offender is now in solitary confinement until I can get some blue coat tomorrow.
Can I put neosporin on the wound to help it heal? Then cover it with blue coat?
The weather is finally supposed to break by the weekend. When it does, I am opening the back of the coop and expanding the brooders to give everybody some more room.
So, I took an empty box, got out the temp feeder and water bowls and moved the spare light over it. Made a lid out of chicken wire and bulldog clips and tada...chicken jail. The offender is now in solitary confinement until I can get some blue coat tomorrow.
Can I put neosporin on the wound to help it heal? Then cover it with blue coat?
The weather is finally supposed to break by the weekend. When it does, I am opening the back of the coop and expanding the brooders to give everybody some more room.