Chillin' In The Garden
I adore apricots. The local extension agent told me they don't grow in Alabama, but of course I had to try anyhow. I ordered a dwarf Wilson from Stark. Last spring it leafed out beautifully and was such a gorgeous little tree...until August. We had back-to-back days of 100 degrees. I watered everything really well but came out the 3rd morning to find my little tree in a sorry state. Every leaf looked like it had been fried. They were crunchy in my hand. Within 24 hours every leaf fell and within the week the tree was dead--brown to the ground.
I assumed the weather here is just too hot for apricots. Chock one up for the extension agent. Right?
Today I read on another forum about someone in Arizona with apricot trees. Bearing apricot trees. It gets a WHOLE lot hotter in Arizona than it does in Alabama so how can this be?!?
So can anybody tell me about apricot trees? I would dearly love to have one--even if I had to grow it in a pot! Or am I doomed?
I assumed the weather here is just too hot for apricots. Chock one up for the extension agent. Right?
Today I read on another forum about someone in Arizona with apricot trees. Bearing apricot trees. It gets a WHOLE lot hotter in Arizona than it does in Alabama so how can this be?!?
So can anybody tell me about apricot trees? I would dearly love to have one--even if I had to grow it in a pot! Or am I doomed?