Baymule’s 2020 Garden


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Been sitting around all week, got body slammed last Sunday by the dogs. They were running and playing, and smashed into the back of my left knee. In case you don’t know, getting hit by 250 pounds of dogs at warp speed will get one’s face intimately acquainted with the dirt. Then there is the added bonus of 4 big dogs, delirious with joy that Mom wants to play, and they happily stepped all over me and drooled/licked my face. I writhed around on the ground screaming in pain while our 3 year old granddaughter wondered what was wrong with her Mamaw.

I finally crawled to Trip, using him to push/pull myself to my feet. I told DGD #3 to go to the gate, got us both through it and leaned against it, standing on right leg, holding left leg up like a crippled animal. I told her to go get Papaw and tell him that Mamaw hurt her knee.

That tiny little girl took off running to the house. She ran in yelling , “Papaw! Mamaw’s knee! Mamaw hurt her knee! Mamaw hurt! Mamaw’s knee! Papaw!”

He ran out on the porch and called to me. I told him to bring the mule and he drove me to the door.

So I’ve been limping around all week, been feeding animals but not much else. It helps that the weather has been drizzly, cloudy, damp, cold, windy and not enticing me to go outside. I’m going freakin nuts!

Yesterday I got out plastic pots and trays that we dumpster dived for last summer at Lowes. I got out bags of potting soil that we bought for a dollar a couple years ago on clearance. I filled pots, standing at a table on the porch. I set trays outside and watered the pots to settle the soil.


Then I brought them in and started pawing through seed packets like a miser running gold coins through his fingers.

Planting has commenced. @seedcorn I didn’t forget about you-I planted an ice cube for you! :)

3” pots
54 Cherokee Purple tomatoes
18 German Johnson tomatoes
9 Mortgage Lifter tomatoes
36 Waltham29 broccoli
36 Violet of Scicily cauliflower
9 Long Purple eggplant

I have 2 trays with 60 each peat pellets to play with today. I’m thinking lettuce, Chinese Pak Choy, kohrabi and anything cool weather.

One of my 4’ shop lights died. I have flats on the floor of a closet under 2 fluorescent shop lights and 2 flats in the upright mini green house, under LED lights on the porch. It glows pink like a radioactive bomb.

Garden has officially started. Now to find 3 feeder pigs and order 50 Cornish Cross chicks. Spring is on the way!


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
It’s too early for okra. Besides, I buy it from a guy that cuts it that morning, we go pick it up and I have it cut, vacuum sealed and in the freezer by that afternoon. Done.

Tomatoes! I dehydrate them to crumble over salads in the winter. Also can a lot of them and share with my son. Plus we eat a lot of them while in season and share with friends. Fried green tomatoes!


Garden Addicted
Jan 4, 2016
Reaction score
East Texas Zone 8b
Dang Bay! I hurt my left knee too! DH & I had gone to Mom's to get her suv and put tires on it. Her back latch wasn't shut, so I got out to shut it. I stepped down off the curb and almost busted my butt! I thought I blew my knee out, but thankfully it was only muscles in the back. I just got off crutches Friday and been hobbling around since. I feel for ya :)


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
@henless I know your pain! It seems like everytime I kiss the dirt, it's the left knee. It's the one that I have arthritis in, it's the one that hurts even without me doing exciting body contortions on my way to a full body slam in the dirt. It's the one I need a knee replacement on, but I have to wonder if a mechanical knee can hold up to the torture I will inflict on it? :old

Yesterday I planted more stuff. I have a lot of old seed, so it's worth a try. I used peat pellets for these, since they are cool weather plants and I can set them out probably the first of March.

15 Artichoke-not cool weather, but need a looooooong season, so I will up pot them
15 merlot lettuce
15 Chinese Pak Choy
20 New Zealand Spinach
15 Radicchio Red Verona
30 Red Iceberg

And we'll see if any come up! LOL LOL


Garden Addicted
Jan 4, 2016
Reaction score
East Texas Zone 8b
You are a planting machine Bay! I've got 8 six packs planted and thought I was doing good!


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
@henless I know your pain! It seems like everytime I kiss the dirt, it's the left knee. It's the one that I have arthritis in, it's the one that hurts even without me doing exciting body contortions on my way to a full body slam in the dirt. It's the one I need a knee replacement on, but I have to wonder if a mechanical knee can hold up to the torture I will inflict on it? :old

for me it was flying over the handlebars of the motorcycle and snagging my left foot on the handlebars as i was going by that did a number on twisting my left knee. as long as i walk once in a while and keep the leg muscles strong enough it doesn't ache, but when i pulled the achilles tendon in my left leg 2 summers ago that was a bugger. i'm sure as i get older i'm going to have it become a constant reminder of a youthful stupidity...