Baymule’s Farm


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Twenty five rolls of hay. One had the net wrap messed up and is set aside to feed first.


Yay! I have another massive dead oak tree! It will have to come down. That’s the house to the far left. There’s a fence that I’ll have to take down. The structure on the right is that crappy shed, gonna take that down. There are 16’ gates leaned up against it, I’ll have to find a place to put them, then move them. In between are 2 totes, with a hole in the side, they were dog houses. Don’t need them. Between them and the gates are several rolls of sheep and goat wire. On the other side of the tree is a power line going from house breaker box to the shed. That will have to come down too. All this has to happen before the shipping containers can be brought in.


With it being about a thousand degrees outside, I’m not real enthusiastic about all this. But it’s now on my radar to get this done, so I’ll make it happen.

I’m gonna have to make a place to unload all those 8’ treated posts too. The fun never stops.

Son turned key on my tractor and it started right up. Dunno why it wouldn’t start for me.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
This is a funny story

Background; Sentry and my son Layne have a love-hate relationship. Sentry loves to hate Layne. When Sentry was a young dog, recovering from hip dysplasia surgery, Layne came in one night, big guy, wearing a black cowboy hat, loud, grabbed me in a big hug. Sentry just went absolutely bonkers in full protection mode, snarling and barking.

I calmed him down, but Sentry remained suspicious of Layne and did not like him. As time went on, Sentry would wag his tail, whine, excited to see Layne. Layne would talk baby talk and reach to pet Sentry and Sentry would back up barking and growling. Every once in awhile Layne can pet Sentry. So now you know the backstory.

Layne was here over the weekend and was helping me do chores. He carried a bucket of water to lambs in the front yard. I had the 3 Anatolians in the front yard, it’s been so hot that they go under the porch to stay cool.

Layne was petting Sheba and Buford, scratching ears and talking to them. Sentry came up, wagging his tail, wanting to get petting too. Layne reached to pet Sentry and in Laynes words, “Sentry went bi-polar on me, snarling and barking.”

Sentry is Buford’s mentor, teacher and hero. Sentry just said Layne is a Bad Man. Buford is 10 months old and 100 pounds, bigger than Sentry and Sheba, but still a puppy. Buford’s hair on his back stood up and he bared his teeth at Layne, the Bad Man!

At this point, Sheba intervened. She raised her paw and smacked Buford, knocking him to the ground. She pinned him down, then went back to Layne for more ear scratches.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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