Baymule’s Farm


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Last week and today I’ve been working on a lean-to behind the portable building. When son was last here, he punched 6 holes for posts with the tractor auger. We didn’t measure real good, just kinda sorta halfway maybe. Close enough. So last week I refuges the holes with post hole diggers and set 4x4s. One was tall and curved. Another one was tall, one was just about right and 3 were short. I didn’t have a single piece of lumber long enough for what o needed. So I spliced together short boards to make long boards and made it work. I had used corrugated tin and put them on the roof. As I laid a piece, I filled the holes with black roof pitch. Gooey stuff.

I put a piece on and needed one more piece of tin.


Found it. This string of CRAPTASTIC chicken coops are slowly coming down as I raid them for materials.


Now I had to get it out of there. I got my tools. It was wired to the chain link, bolt cutters took care of that. Wrecking bar, hammers, it’s go time.


It was nailed in with 4” ring shank nails. I even had to dig out the bottom.


Finally dragged it out of there. Saw a 2x4 I could pry up without too much trouble, and I could use it. It was also nailed down with 4” ring shank nails.


I got the piece of corrugated tin screwed to the roof. Then I pieced together boards to put on the end. I got one pieced together for the side, need to make another one. Maybe tomorrow. Then I’ll have to raid the chicken coops for more tin. But I got 2 R panel pieces run across the back.



This is not water tight, it’s just to keep most of the rain off. Scrap and crap, it’s temporary, maybe a year.

Son’s big lawn mower is in the open front shed that I’m going to tear down. I’m going to park it in here and cover it with a tarp. Right now it has 2 front flat tires. I’ll have to run extension cords out to the shed and use my compressor to air them up. Then I can start it and move it. BUT…. I parked tractor implements in the way, so will have to move them first.


Garden Addicted
Jun 9, 2018
Reaction score
Vermont, USA (zone 4)
Last week and today I’ve been working on a lean-to behind the portable building. When son was last here, he punched 6 holes for posts with the tractor auger. We didn’t measure real good, just kinda sorta halfway maybe. Close enough. So last week I refuges the holes with post hole diggers and set 4x4s. One was tall and curved. Another one was tall, one was just about right and 3 were short. I didn’t have a single piece of lumber long enough for what o needed. So I spliced together short boards to make long boards and made it work. I had used corrugated tin and put them on the roof. As I laid a piece, I filled the holes with black roof pitch. Gooey stuff.

I put a piece on and needed one more piece of tin.

View attachment 60868

Found it. This string of CRAPTASTIC chicken coops are slowly coming down as I raid them for materials.

View attachment 60869

Now I had to get it out of there. I got my tools. It was wired to the chain link, bolt cutters took care of that. Wrecking bar, hammers, it’s go time.

View attachment 60870

It was nailed in with 4” ring shank nails. I even had to dig out the bottom.

View attachment 60871

Finally dragged it out of there. Saw a 2x4 I could pry up without too much trouble, and I could use it. It was also nailed down with 4” ring shank nails.

View attachment 60872

I got the piece of corrugated tin screwed to the roof. Then I pieced together boards to put on the end. I got one pieced together for the side, need to make another one. Maybe tomorrow. Then I’ll have to raid the chicken coops for more tin. But I got 2 R panel pieces run across the back.

View attachment 60873

View attachment 60874

This is not water tight, it’s just to keep most of the rain off. Scrap and crap, it’s temporary, maybe a year.

Son’s big lawn mower is in the open front shed that I’m going to tear down. I’m going to park it in here and cover it with a tarp. Right now it has 2 front flat tires. I’ll have to run extension cords out to the shed and use my compressor to air them up. Then I can start it and move it. BUT…. I parked tractor implements in the way, so will have to move them first.
Ah scavenging... I take it the chicken coop was built by a former property owner, not yourself? Half of my creations and repairs are jerry-rigged hatchet jobs worse than your new lean-to shed, but if it works that's what counts!


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
There are a string of scrap and crap chicken coops, most about FOUR FEET high!! I’ll raid them for what can be used elsewhere, but there’s a lot that is just trash. It may take me awhile, I have bigger projects on my list. LOL

I’ll eventually tear down this lean too, and get rid of that portable building. But I need them now!


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I worked on a H brace at the end of the driveway yesterday . It took over an hour just to pull staples and unwrap the wire. I put a lot of staples on it. I have a tendency to do something “forever” not thinking that someday I might need to move it.


This H brace has to be pulled and reset further up the driveway, about 20 feet. Son can get in and out with 30’ trailer, it’s tight, but he can do it. A truck delivering 40’ shipping containers won’t make it, thus the H brace must be moved.

I took wire loose from T - posts and rolled the wire back. I drove 2 T-posts at an angle to standing T-posts to keep the fence wire tight.


I dug around the posts and poured 2 gallons of water around each one. Then at 6:00 this evening, I poured 2 more gallons of water around each one. This is to soften the dirt so Bennett can pull the brace up today with his tractor.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Dead tree came down this morning. On one side is the sheds, other side is high line electrical feed to the house. Behind is a portable building and my house. Straight ahead, wide open pasture.


Bennett brought 2 tractors, one to pull on the tree, one to put the bucket up against the tree to help keep it from falling backwards. He brought a steel cable. Chase and I convinced him that it wasn’t long enough. I brought out a chain and Bennett had brought one. The 2 chains added 40’ in length.


Bennett used hay string and a rock tied on the end, to throw it up in the tree and over a branch. Then he used a rope tied to the hay string, to pull the rope around the tree trunk and branch. Then he tied the rope to the steel cable and pulled the steel cable up and around the tree. This put the cable up high for more leverage. Then steel cable tied to 2 chains, chain tied to tractor. Bennett kept the tension tight as Chase sawed.


It took awhile, it’s a big tree. But soon it came crashing down.


This picture shows how close it was to the power lines.


Then it was time for iced tea break.

On his way out, Bennett pulled up the H brace. It came apart, no problem. I’ll just build it again.


Then somebody’s cows were out and I had to get the dogs put up. They were barking at the cows, scaring them and hampering attempts to corral them. Cows broke into another field and everyone was satisfied with that until their owners can come.

The last of the logging equipment just went past my driveway, they are finished here.

Been a busy morning.


Garden Addicted
Jun 9, 2018
Reaction score
Vermont, USA (zone 4)
Dead tree came down this morning. On one side is the sheds, other side is high line electrical feed to the house. Behind is a portable building and my house. Straight ahead, wide open pasture.

View attachment 60900

Bennett brought 2 tractors, one to pull on the tree, one to put the bucket up against the tree to help keep it from falling backwards. He brought a steel cable. Chase and I convinced him that it wasn’t long enough. I brought out a chain and Bennett had brought one. The 2 chains added 40’ in length.

View attachment 60901

Bennett used hay string and a rock tied on the end, to throw it up in the tree and over a branch. Then he used a rope tied to the hay string, to pull the rope around the tree trunk and branch. Then he tied the rope to the steel cable and pulled the steel cable up and around the tree. This put the cable up high for more leverage. Then steel cable tied to 2 chains, chain tied to tractor. Bennett kept the tension tight as Chase sawed.

View attachment 60902

It took awhile, it’s a big tree. But soon it came crashing down.

View attachment 60903

This picture shows how close it was to the power lines.

View attachment 60904

Then it was time for iced tea break.

On his way out, Bennett pulled up the H brace. It came apart, no problem. I’ll just build it again.

View attachment 60905

Then somebody’s cows were out and I had to get the dogs put up. They were barking at the cows, scaring them and hampering attempts to corral them. Cows broke into another field and everyone was satisfied with that until their owners can come.

The last of the logging equipment just went past my driveway, they are finished here.

Been a busy morning.
Never a dull moment, it sounds like! The saga of the tree take-down was scary and impressive. Glad it went well.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I got 2 1/2” of rain Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Grass has greened up since the last rain weeks ago. Grass was beginning to get dry and curl up, really needed this rain!

There is an American persimmon tree next to the sheep lot that is loaded with tiny fruits. The sheep go crazy for them. I open their gate and they Hoover them up as fast as they can.



The storm tore up the tarp on my cow panel hoop shelter. It was a year old, so time to replace it anyway.



Neighbors are gone for a few days, they put their dogs outside in kennels with shelter, plenty of water and automatic feeders. Shady and protected, the dogs are fine, but I always check on them, just in case. It makes me feel better just to go lay eyes on them and neighbors appreciate it. I took Carson with me on the mule, he loves to go where I go. Told him to wait, but he jumped down to go investigate everything. The Cur Cattle Dog barked at Carson, so I told him to get back on the mule and wait.



Carson enjoyed the ride!


Rain gauge!


The only registered son of Ringo, my old ram that died in February, is named Ringo 2.0 LOL. He is 4 months old now, in a pen with another young ram that is sold to a friend in Arkansas. There is a dog kennel in the pen, makes a great sheep shelter! This is Ringo 2.0 peeking out like he’s saying, It’s RAINING! I’m not going out in that!
