Garden Addicted
Absolutely! I love that it comes in such pretty decorator colors!
I save every single piece. I match the ends, then fold a few times, tie a loose knot in the middle and hang on a nail. It’s great for practicality everything.
Especially useful in the garden for vining trellises. I let frost kill the vines, give it a little longer to dry out, then cut the baling twine off the T-posts, fold, stomp, fold, stomp, fold, until it will fit in trash bag. All done!
And here I thought I was the only one to use baling twine in the garden. My garden is held together with t-posts and baling twineBaling twine is EVERYBODY's go to! I refenced the south border of my property with cattle fencing attached to fenceposts with baling twine.
I use it every year in my garden.
It is indestructible.

Happy Easter, He has risen \o/
Jesus is Lord and Christ