What a mess that is going to be when he does it. I would think a jackhammer! He could rent one from a equipment rental place. It is going to be a tough job and a backbreaking one too!
A jackhammer would likely be the fastest way to do it, although if it's already cracked, a pick may work. If he has the funds or the connections to someone with heavy equipment, that would likely be the fastest and easiest way to get rid of the concrete.
If you are leery of big tools, Fract-AG expansive mortar breaks up concrete. You pour the stuff into drilled holes, and it expand when it hardens. If there are a lot of cracks, you could probably just pour it into them.
That is not something I've ever heard of Bill. I'm married to a mason and he never told me about Fract-AG - he always has just used a sledgehammer (smaller areas) or a jackhammer (larger areas). I'm going to ask him about Fract-AG. Have you used it? Does it work well?
Yes, I'm not jealous of the job he'd have to do. I figured a jackhammer would probably be needed, but didn't know about the expansive mortar option. I'll have to tell him about that.
I have one other little trick! I find a jack hammer tends to break the concrete in to small annoying pieces. So I use a 9inch or larger grinder to cut the concrete in to manageable pieces and then I use the jackhammer to split it all apart. Saves having to scoop all these little chunks of concrete up
Soil settling is a primary cause of cracks in a concrete slab. Soil compaction increases the density of the soil, making it less prone to moisture and settling. To compact soil correctly for a concrete slab may involve numerous passes with a tamping machine and testing the soil's density before pouring the concrete.
To compact soil correctly for a concrete slab may involve numerous passes with a tamping machine and testing the soil's density before pouring the concrete. that would likely be the fastest and easiest way to get rid of the concrete. dtmllandscape.co.uk
I myself have a weekend of breaking up an 11mx6mx20cm slab of concrete using a hired heavy duty breaker, and whilst it will save me money doing this myself, I'm not particularly looking forward to it http://www.fakingitgrass.co.uk