Garden Master
We have ordered blue lake pole beans, andBurpee tender pod bush beans. We were going to try saving seeds for next season. I was reading a gardening book and it says that if you are going to save seeds it is best to not have more than one kind of bean in bloom at any time, or there is a good chance of cross pollination. We were thinking about planting the bush beans as early as possible then wait 2-3 weeks then plant the pole beans. The idea is that the bush beans will mature in 50? days and crop once then get pulled out, hopefully before the pole beans start to bloom. Not sure if that is even possible or just a pipe dream. Also what is the proper way to plant rows,ie; north and south or east and west or does it matter. One more question, what growing method works best for you for pole beans, tepee, trellis, or verticle poles?