Steve if you get a fitbit one of the many things it does is monitor your sleep patterns. my friend Dana could not understand why she was always tired. Fitbit showed she woke up over 20 times a night, she never went though all sleep stages.
I have 3 different sleep disorders and have a Dr just for sleep. It is always fun telling person sleeping over for 1st time if I wake up gasping for air its ok don't freak out.
Lets do a quick poll on here: How many of us have sleep issues?
I haven't tried to sleep without a sleeping pill for years. Sometimes I am awake till 3 or 4 am even with the pill.
Once the insomnia kicks in, my legs start trying to cramp, get twitchy. Then that keeps me awake.
When I was working a very high stress job, I could understand insomnia, but my life is pretty stress free right now. I should be sleeping like a baby.
. but the online thing begins with rising at 6 am! I'm unlikely to get 8 hours of being in any position, even horizontal but I'm not rising at 6am, even going to bed at 10 ... or, 11 ... which happens like once or twice a year.