Cats and more CATS


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
People have been dumping their unwanted cats in our neighborhood since last fall. One of our neighbors started to feed 2 orange longhaired semi- wild female cats. Last Dec. they caught and then spayed these 2 , then braught them home and let them have the run of their house and then let them out in the evenings. These cats started to use our back yard as their poty... digging in our mulch , deficating, but will NOT bury it. Soon , a couple other cats ( feral as well as dumped and now semi- wild cats ) started to show up doing the same. Followed by MORE cats ... my wife and I now can identify 14 regular nightly deficators and how many more , I don't know. Another neighbor told me that the cats are starting to use their back yard as a potty too. Next, about 3 weeks ago, they started to deficate in our front flower bed, and boy does our front door area starting to stink. :barnie 3 cats have now been killed on the road just beyond our back fence. Two weeks ago, the male cats started to have fur flying fights in both our front and back yards in the evenings, all night as well as early mornings. lack of sleep as well as BAD ODORS are becoming intolerable.:mad: I called the SPCA shelter in Vancouver, Wa., 3 cat rescue groups in Vancouver, Wa., Cascade cat rescue, and Portland, Ore. feral cat rescue .They all said that I have to trap the cats, bring them in and they would spay / neuter them, then I MUST turn them loose again into our yard. All at my expense and not solve the cat defication in my yard. :he All of the former County Pounds have closed, leaving the no kill rescues to fill the vacuum. Does anyone have any recommendations that would actually make the cats exit our property and neighborhood ..... PLEASE :fl