My local farm store has a lot of bulk dog treats. I noticed they have chicken feet now. Dried, somehow....baked? Do you think these would be good for a dog to chew on? They still have the claws on.
ABsolutely! When I butcher, my dogs LOVE the chicken legs to chew on and finish eating.
HowEVER, do NOT buy baked. Chicken bones get brittle when baked, but are fine to consume when just dried. I have left them on my tree accidentally for a few weeks, and my dogs have had no trouble with them.
Nope. I hang my birds and bleed them out. The baling twine is pretty tight by the time I am done. I finish evisceration in my kitchen sink, my personal preference, because I have easy access to hot and cold water all year.
Sometimes I butcher multiple birds and I don't remember to take down the feet and give them to my dogs. I guess being raised in the suburbs, I cannot bring myself to boil and eat the feet. I keep thinking about where the feet have Been!!!
Thanks for asking. Love a good laugh.