bj taylor
Garden Ornament
my lone hen (she lives separate from the others) lays white eggs. I could not figure out how she was getting her eggs under my broody. today I watched her go in the coop, climb on top of the broody, shove her way to the back. i pulled her out of there & put her out of the coop. she jumped right back in, then jumped in the nest box where my Wyandotte was pretending to be broody. she climbed into the back of the nest box (12 x 12). the Wyandotte wasn't having it. she whipped up on her. the hen yells & jumps out, but not before laying her white egg. there is plenty of other space for her to lay her egg, but she wanted her eggs under somebody i guess.
you never know what you'll see in nature.
you never know what you'll see in nature.