OMG! So glad I did listen and went out to check the potato bed! I was so excited, like a child in a candy store or ripping open presents on xmas!
I'm so giddy! I saved back 8 1.5in potatoes and planted them back.
Look at me, the little farmer/gardener girl! :tools :watering
These are rinsed and now I need to find out how to store them!!!
Our cellar likes to flood in a corner, so it's humid in there! Is that ok? I will have to make special hanging cages since we have mice. But would it be ok in there? Rest of the house is warm no matter what...
Can the tiny ones be eaten...??
I'm so giddy! I saved back 8 1.5in potatoes and planted them back.
Look at me, the little farmer/gardener girl! :tools :watering
These are rinsed and now I need to find out how to store them!!!
Our cellar likes to flood in a corner, so it's humid in there! Is that ok? I will have to make special hanging cages since we have mice. But would it be ok in there? Rest of the house is warm no matter what...
Can the tiny ones be eaten...??