Cicada 2024 invasion


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Two broods will be emerging soon in Illinois. There are only a few places where BOTH the 17 year and 13 year emerge, most places it will be one or the other. If you live where new homes were built after 1980ish, Your trees probably don't have any bc trees were cut down to build and the cicadas died.
If you live on an old property with established trees, you will have cicadas, probably late May-early June. They will NOT harm large existing trees. You will just see dead twigs on them.
They WILL harm saplings bc they lay eggs on tender branches, which is all new fruit trees have, like my lovely new peach tree has.
I lucked into 3 packages of insect covers. They are long, like row covers, but I can cut to fit, and this week I will be covering my peach tree and some other plants, like what is left of my grape vines, the pot where I am bringing along 3 blueberry bushes (until I can prep the planting areas for them,) and maybe the pot where I am about to transplant two small roses.
They will need to be wrapped like you are keeping meat from drying out.
The Last time both of these broods hatched out together Lewis and Clark were heading west on their expedition, 1803.
There is a lot of misinformation about them, so I have included this link:

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