Garden Master
About a week ago, I started to cough, then a few hours later much more coughing. The next afternoon, my wife insisted that I go to the clinic. A female doctor from India diagnosed a virus cold and said that there is no medication needed just time to ward it off. A day later, I was CAUGHING NON STOP and my diaphram and abdominal muscles were very sore... so my wife took me to emergency room. Over a hundred masked people and nurses filled the room with nonstop coughing heard. 3 hours later I saw a Doctor who examined me. He then said he will be right back. 15 minutes later he came back and said that he is sending me to a Hospital for treatment. My wife drove me across town ( NO ambulance was available ) to a large Hospital where I got the last bed out of several Hospitals in the Portland, Or / Vancouver, Wa. metro area on the luxury 6th floor nose bleed sweet. All Hospitals were overflowing as beds were occupied in the halls and several Hospitals were not accepting any more walk ins or ambulance patients. Upon arrival after 6 PM, I was wheeled into an Emergency room where a Nurse ( she was the exact body double to Stormy, who was in the news recently, with a bubbly personality) came in with a cart in tow for an EKG. First reading was off the charts... then another male nurse told me to shut my eyes for a few minutes and they will take another reading. A vampire arrived and took several tubes of blood, and my nurse gave me Oxygen . Doctor then came in with first results about 45 minutes later and said my room is being cleaned and in the meantime, exrays were ordered, and the Doctor used a long wire with a small swab to take a sample for ID analyis of what was the culprit. I was wheeled into the 6th floor luxury sweet about 2 AM. I was poked and proded ever half hour to an hour so I got no sleep. At 9 AM, a nurse came in with another wire to take another nose synus swab as the first swab was negative. This one turned up negative, but my white blood count was off the charts and I was still coughing non - stop. A wise older doctor then arrived examined me , and based on all of the tests ordered an IV with CEFPODIXIME a new antibacterial drug . Next morning ... my white blood count was down somewhat, so another IV. which lowered the count some more, so next morning another IV . To help suppress the cough, I was given BENZONATATE capcules and prescription Cheratussin AC 3 X / day to suppress the cough. These 2 are only somewhat effective as my COUGH is still quite severe and very often. My diaphram and abdominal muscles are very sore. Doctor says that this will continue for at least 2 weeks to a month. I was just discharged with the 2 prescription anti- cough drugs , plus Cefpodixime antibiotic capsules and probiotics. Diagnosis : bronchitis with bacterial pneumonia ( culture for specific bacteria ID - still not identified ) . How serious was it one may ask .... Doctor said that if my wife waited just a few more hours, I would have been sprouting daisies and playing a harp duet with NYboy. Did NYboy contract this very fast acting bug or not ? I don't know as more likely than not he didn't see a Doctor due to his loyalty to his clients. RIP NYboy !!!