Does anyone have a sure fire way to keep the deer out of my tomatoes? Other than a fence or dog. The little devils are eating the tops plum off and now are eating the blooms and small tomatoes.
Why not see if a neighbor or friend will let you tie their dog near your garden for a few days? Male dogs are best. Even after you pooperscoop the deer will smell the presence of the dog a little while after he is gone.
Just to add on with what 1acrefarm said. There is also commercially available coyote urine (and I think wolf too) that is really effective in warding off deer and other critters.
The deer around our place are getting quite bold. My garden is only about 12 feet from the house. They haven't gotten to it yet, but last night I saw them about 20 feet from my plants! I turned one of my dogs after them. The dog doesn't have that high of a prey drive to really do anything (and stops when called off; I would never let one of my dogs actually attack one) but definitely enjoyed the chase for about 50 yards! After that I took all of the dogs to pee around the garden. It's my plan to keep an eye out for them and use the dogs as a deterent--for now. We'll see how long it works!