seed it was $3,ooo lol good thing about new place is it is next door to tow company my nephew works at. He has a big mouth and not afraid to use it. He will be checking on it often.
I also bought parts on ebay and had them shipped to him. Hopefull they are packed in boxes in truck. One was a whole truck wiring kit. i wanted all new wiring
Guy got to see truck in person today. Claimed it needs to much work not worth painting I should just sell. He claims cab is to far gone. Several people have looked at truck and stated how solid it is. I am so confused on what to do. No way I would even come close to getting money back if I sell.
There's solid for age and solid to fix it up. There was no way you were ever not going to be sunk in that truck. Wish I could see it. I probably wouldn't spend money to restore. But I'm tight......
IF it was fixed up, what is worth to you? $20,000? Then junk it now, spare yourself additional grief. $45,000? Spend it.
Go look at cab. Can you stick you foot through floor board? If it is safe to drive, drive it till it is gone, then collect $200 at salvage yard, call it a learning experience.