I only tip if I need help at a city garden store. Out here in the boonies we have a co-op grain mill that is our garden store, livestock feed mill, hardware store, tool store, tractor/lawnmower shop, gun shop, and local hangout. If Tom or Jim help me carry bags of feed to the truck I usually just say thanks. And when I help offload a delivery they just say thanks. When I make a big pot of coffee they just say thanks. It's not customary to tip there.
Nope. I buy from farm supply stores. They always offer to load for me. The last load was a pallet of 25 (3 Cubic Ft.) packages of pine shavings, where they used their loader to get it onto the back of my truck. I still have to unload what I buy, and it's usually 2-3 employees loading my truck for me.
That's just how I roll. The big box stores have people who fetch carts and are general gophers (as in go for this, go for that) and they get paid for that. The local nursery folks I've dealt with are all Jack-of-all-trades-Masters-of-none kind of folks who bust their backs doing whatever it takes so I'd want to give them something in return for their help.
When I worked at the greenhouse nursery it was my job to help customers load their vehicle. About half the time with the smaller stuff they'd say they got it. Ok, but soon as I had the chance I'd usually have to go fetch the wagon. Very few remember to bring it back from their parking spot. Not a deal. Always with trees or shrubs I helped them load. A lot of them, if they didn't have help would have gotten home with all the leaves blown off their tree. Be surprised how many folks want to lean the top of the tree over the cab.
It was a nice rare occasion that I got a tip. All over the place on Mother's day, multitasking 7 customers at once..."Sandra, you know your way around, let me know when you're ready, kinda busy"...with a smile..."Bob, looks like you're getting Sarah a Rose, those in that row are prettiest, lady over there's trying to lift a Poplar tree, catch right up to you Bob, red ones are at that end"..."Ah here, let me give you a hand with this Poplar. This is one of the good ones. Oh you're ready for me to add it up?...I get to round everything down to the nearest dollar today
On a day like that I'd be going along, and someone's tucking a 10 dollar bill in my shirt pocket. We knew most everyone by name. If not name, at least by face, or something like, those are the folks who own the cinema...
Nah, I always deny everyone's help. I'll hurt myself doing something myself if need be. I'm no weakling!
I just loaded a bunch of 50lb bags of feed into my prius last week at tractor supply. I think the guy at the front thought I was crazy for saying 'no thank you'. But my prius was the only thing struggling with the weight! hahaha