Garden Master
Ah, the Holidays!! We are a doggy family. DH and I have 3, DD and DSIL have 3, my sister has 9, her half sister has 2, SIL has beginning to get the picture? When DD and DSIL come visit us, they bring their dogs, a mini weiner named Pedro and a silky terrier named Pippa. They recently adopted a chocolate Lab they named Lucy. When they come, I call the dogs the "cousins". Our Aussie, Polly has a pained expression the whole time as her world is invaded by 2 little brats that get all the attention that should belong to her. Parker, our black Lab/Great Dane cross has extra playmates (that come up to his ankles lol) Well, this is the first time they brought Lucy. They came Wednesday afternoon. Our son showed up and added to the general confusion. He took over cooking supper for me because our DSIL took Lucy out to potty and Polly and Parker took off for parts unknown. Lucy was on a leash, but our dogs weren't, so they ran off. My DH and I got in his truck and found them a block away. Our house was a madhouse of dogs.
Our son in law thought he would just put Lucy in the backyard with Paris our Great Pyrenees on Thanksgiving Day. Not happening, I told him. No way. The backyard belongs to Paris the Queen. I had to break it down for him, how GP's have been bred for hundreds of years to protect their territory from other dogs and animals. Our own Polly can't even go in the backyard. Paris likes Parker, but sometimes she plows into him and he is smart enough to run away from her. Well what were they going to do with Lucy? We were going to my sister's for Thanksgiving dinner. I told them to use a cable I had and tie her to a tree.
When we got there, my sisters horde of yappers did just that. They barked, barked, barked and barked some more. I guess they had to prove how bad they were to this big interloper. There were 2 more little yappers visiting and they joined in the fun. Lucy was terrified. SCORE!!! for the little yappers. Lucy behaved herself all day, my DSIL took her off the cable and let her run around their 3 acres and play in their pond. Lucy had fun, except for the 11 mean little dogs that didn't like her. If our house was a madhouse of dogs, my sister's house was the insane asylum of dogs.
Our daughter, son in law, grand daughter and their 3 dogs spent Thanksgiving night with us, more fun with all the dogs. Five dogs running all over the house, grand daughter chasing them all, my 90 year old mom navigating the melee with her walker, DH ensconced in the safety of his recliner, our son's long legs stretched out from the small swivel chair that obviously didn't fit his stature, so DD and I left it all with them and we went to WalMart. The wall to wall press of bodies in a frenzy of spending money, was somehow not as stressful as staying home.
This morning, things got back to normal. DH went to work, son left last night, DD, DSIL, grand daughter and the 3 dogs left for home. Polly laid out on the dog blanket and absolutely passed out. Parker found a place in the sun in the backyard and bellied up, sprawled out in total deep sleep. Polly slept hard, exhausted, twitching in her sleep. Dog Hangover. They both slept for over an hour and napped off and on all day. Dog Hangover. As of right now, they both are snoozing soundly. Dog Hangover.
Our son in law thought he would just put Lucy in the backyard with Paris our Great Pyrenees on Thanksgiving Day. Not happening, I told him. No way. The backyard belongs to Paris the Queen. I had to break it down for him, how GP's have been bred for hundreds of years to protect their territory from other dogs and animals. Our own Polly can't even go in the backyard. Paris likes Parker, but sometimes she plows into him and he is smart enough to run away from her. Well what were they going to do with Lucy? We were going to my sister's for Thanksgiving dinner. I told them to use a cable I had and tie her to a tree.
When we got there, my sisters horde of yappers did just that. They barked, barked, barked and barked some more. I guess they had to prove how bad they were to this big interloper. There were 2 more little yappers visiting and they joined in the fun. Lucy was terrified. SCORE!!! for the little yappers. Lucy behaved herself all day, my DSIL took her off the cable and let her run around their 3 acres and play in their pond. Lucy had fun, except for the 11 mean little dogs that didn't like her. If our house was a madhouse of dogs, my sister's house was the insane asylum of dogs.
Our daughter, son in law, grand daughter and their 3 dogs spent Thanksgiving night with us, more fun with all the dogs. Five dogs running all over the house, grand daughter chasing them all, my 90 year old mom navigating the melee with her walker, DH ensconced in the safety of his recliner, our son's long legs stretched out from the small swivel chair that obviously didn't fit his stature, so DD and I left it all with them and we went to WalMart. The wall to wall press of bodies in a frenzy of spending money, was somehow not as stressful as staying home.
This morning, things got back to normal. DH went to work, son left last night, DD, DSIL, grand daughter and the 3 dogs left for home. Polly laid out on the dog blanket and absolutely passed out. Parker found a place in the sun in the backyard and bellied up, sprawled out in total deep sleep. Polly slept hard, exhausted, twitching in her sleep. Dog Hangover. They both slept for over an hour and napped off and on all day. Dog Hangover. As of right now, they both are snoozing soundly. Dog Hangover.