Garden Addicted
I have started a Challenge for an art piece, whether functional art (jewelry, clothes, purses, ect) or hanging art.... or pottery... or WHATEVER makes you create.... must be made from found junk.
This Challenge is over at my favorite artist website EBSQart.com though since there are a wide range of artists who do challenges there.
Its free to sign up with a'patron' account and then you can participate in the challenge.
THERE ARE PRIZES so sign up, get your recyclable goods or JUNK ready, and start making a piece or art we'll all love.
So get the rules, get the details, and sign up by the dates listed.
Use the thread on the website to list updates, photos of your project you are adding and so on. You can ask questions about the challenge here or there!
I guess you can post pics of your challenge piece whenever you want here too! Maybe more people will come and join us.
Can't wait to see everyone who comes, I have some fun prizes picked out for the winners of the Challege. (October 30th 2009 is the final all done date)
I've seen a lot of great garden art from you guys lately... come on over and join in.
*p.s. - A piece that is already done does not count! It has to be a new piece done between now and October 30th! Thanks.
(I am doing this challenge and I am giving away the prizes, so you KNOW it will be good. )
This Challenge is over at my favorite artist website EBSQart.com though since there are a wide range of artists who do challenges there.
Its free to sign up with a'patron' account and then you can participate in the challenge.
THERE ARE PRIZES so sign up, get your recyclable goods or JUNK ready, and start making a piece or art we'll all love.
So get the rules, get the details, and sign up by the dates listed.
Use the thread on the website to list updates, photos of your project you are adding and so on. You can ask questions about the challenge here or there!
I guess you can post pics of your challenge piece whenever you want here too! Maybe more people will come and join us.
Can't wait to see everyone who comes, I have some fun prizes picked out for the winners of the Challege. (October 30th 2009 is the final all done date)
I've seen a lot of great garden art from you guys lately... come on over and join in.
*p.s. - A piece that is already done does not count! It has to be a new piece done between now and October 30th! Thanks.
(I am doing this challenge and I am giving away the prizes, so you KNOW it will be good. )