He was a couple days early, but I don't think he is a regular around here, since he didn't come to the window to greet me. He hovered at the feeder but the darned downy woodpecker scared him off!
I want to put mine up. But DH has a bee hive right under where I hang it. I will put the one on the front porch and get the back porch one out as soon as he moves the bees.
Bluebirds and hummers usually arrive around here at the same time. It has been May 1 for the past couple of years. Still, it is time to get the bird houses cleaned out and the feeders ready just in case. . .
So lucky, that is great news. I will check the hummer map to see where mine are. Did you get a ruby-throated or some other variety? Ruby-throats are all we usually get up here.
Red, it was a Ruby Throat. We occasionally get a rufous, but not very often. It was a rufous that over wintered here a few years ago, till February first.