I had a customer that wanted their pomm shaved. I spend a couple hours carefully blending and shaping and she came out looking JUST like a fox!! So Cute. The customer was not impressed. If I remember right, his comment was "Yeah.. that's cute. As long as she's shaved, that's fine."
Cane been there sometimes your best work goes unnoticed. Thistle I think everybody try once to shave their own dog. I love the ones that then bring in the dog and say fix it. I tell them sure if they know where I can get a magic wand.
i remember in HS during Animal Science class on Fridays we did grooming. one of the teachers would bring in their Pom to groom. dog's name of course-Foxy! cute dog & very good on the table. teacher would have brought her in for her 'summer' cut, not really a shave but pretty close cut.