Garden Addicted
My four new chicks are getting about old enough to lay in a few weeks!! One actually did the "dance" when I went to pick her up today!
Here they are on the 2nd level of the new chicken pen. They are very brave!
Here you can see them eating wheat grass from the suet feeder. With one of the Barred Rocks trying to get some too.
And here they are taking a communal dust bath.
We've had some nice warm weather so far the past few days. It is to get cold tomorrow and maybe even some rain!
Here they are on the 2nd level of the new chicken pen. They are very brave!

Here you can see them eating wheat grass from the suet feeder. With one of the Barred Rocks trying to get some too.

And here they are taking a communal dust bath.

We've had some nice warm weather so far the past few days. It is to get cold tomorrow and maybe even some rain!