
Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast VA
I was in the coop yesterday just playing with the flock and watching to be sure that the 6week olds were getting along ok with everyone else. I tossed a little scratch out and was looking around at all the TALL weeds taking over the pasture when I spotted a fox. It ducked under the back of the paddock fence and headed right for the corner where I was standing. Now... the coop is in the corner of the yard - on the other side of the fence is the paddock and right where the 2 of them meet is the gate between one field and the other. The fox appeared to be heading for the gate - not for the coop. When I saw it I started talking to it - thinking that as soon as it realized I was there it would spook. It just kept trotting across the field as if it hadn't a care in the world. When it was roughly 20 yds away I was talking much louder saying things like "Are you insane?? Don't you realize that I'm right here? If I had the gun you'd be a gonner!" It kept trotting along. When it rounded the gate post (less than 10' away) I dropped my bucket and started yelling and clapping my hands. That did it, it turned into a small ball of streaking fur and was gone in an instant.

I was concerned that it wasn't concerned about me being there. Before anyone starts going on about rabies, it was the picture of health. Smooth, shiney coat. Easy, confident gait. Head up, ears alert, eyes bright. Not even any of that 'motheaten' look from fleas & ticks. I know enough about dog body language to be pretty sure that it was NOT heading for the run - at least not that time. It's head & ears were pointed off toward the creek and it was moving as if it had a purpose, not as if it was following a scent or looking to scare up some unknown critter.

We have an ABUNDANCE of rabbits - and with the creek, there are frogs galore too. I had seen a fox in nearly the same spot about 6-8months ago so I assume that it's quite possible that it's been right here all along. My fence is 6'high. There is an 8"wide apron along the bottom to make digging a little bit more difficult. But there is no top on the run other than a web of fishing line to deter hawks. Like I said, the coop is in the corner of the yard - so the dogs are out there messing around most days.
I don't want to wait until it does actually make an attack on the coop - but I'm not sure what I SHOULD do. Since it doesn't seem to have pegged the coop as a food source yet, would deterants be my best choice?? Couple of lines of electric wire? I heard once that pouring amonia around will work on them.
Or - should I go ahead and set the trap?


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast VA
Whoops! Duplicate post..

How did I do that????
How do I delete it??

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
They are beautiful creatures as long as they do not have a eye on our livestock! Cool to see one close up. You are right to plan a deterant BEFORE he/she decides chickens look yummy. Good Luck.

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