My columbine has put out lots of seed. (I did not deadhead!) I have two shade of purple as seen in this photo. If you would like some P.M. me for my address and send a SASE.
I would LOVE some columbine seeds. Sorry, I'm not in DH's office--where the I'Net is--every day this summer. I had 2 daughters home, one in Law School, the other got downsized and is job hunting, so I sent them in so that I can do more at home. I'll send you a PM with my address. Thanks for being so generous!!
If I still lived in OREGON I would totally take you up on your offer, Carol Dee.
But I'm afraid I'd never get them to grow, let alone LIVE, here in Texas.
THIS forum has the NICEST PEOPLE!!!! **hugs to you ALL**
I've been out of the office, so I-net-less, for almost one week. I go my post office box and find the seeds that Carol mailed me in a sweet friendship note and lovingly packaged.