Garden Master
my wife and I attended a meeting with our financial advisors. It seems the government is not too pleased that brockers get a commission at the sale of REET, private offerings, etc. from the stock sellers. So NOW the brockers have to charge either / or a fee to the buyer, and a management fee, an annual management fee,a sales fee, or a combination of these. The issue is that the selling entitly ,more likely than not, will offer the stock at or above the price without the commission or the price with the commission ( that they do not pay) then the selling brocker charges you a fee for buying the stock for you and can charge an annual management fee and a selling fee. So are YOU going to benefit from this change by this progressive government who is only looking out to the best interests of the middle class ? Certainly NOT US , We will be fee-d out of most of our profits ( if any are left ) !
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