Garden Master
I've decided to start a journal to document things I've tried and found successful...and some I tried and were not so successful.
This year I am trying several new things and will try to document through pics and yields how they went for me in hopes that others won't have to make the mistakes I've made.
So far, I've tried raised beds and found them very nice but I had them too wide, too shallow and found them too difficult to till. If they had been smaller and deeper, I could probably have done a no-till approach.
I have tried the square foot gardening and still do this whenever I can to maximize garden space. I've found that one can take this a little too far and it may reduce yields when plants are too stacked or crowded.
I've tried mulching and this has revolutionized my gardening....LOVE mulching heavily with old hay or straw. My plants were green and lush when everyone else's in the area were going through drought conditions.
My favorite mulch is fresh grass clippings.
I am currently trying green mulch of white dutch clover and find it a wonderful weed suppressant and a low growing ground cover for my permanent pathways. Not to mention, it really attracts bees, keeps the ground covered and moist, is a nitrogen-fixer and is just darn pretty.
I have plowed right into the clover that I planted last year in my garden. The past few years of adding hay and grass clipping mulches, chicken manure, etc. has seemed to make my soil very workable and rich.
I am also going to plant a garden of corn and pumkins in the pen that I overwintered my sheep in this year. I spread their winter bedding over this space and burned the dry hay. This is approx. 10 ft. x 60 ft. of space and will be the first time it has been planted.
After the corn and pumpkins are through, I will plant turnips, beets, clover and winter wheat. I will be storing the corn stalks and pumpkins for winter feeding.
I will post pics of the freshly plowed rows and will document progress of the garden, as I am trying more companion plantings, SQF spacing, green mulch and trellising on the perimeter fencing this year.
Feel free to post here and give advice, insights, results of things you've tried and pics. I would love all the help I can get!
Can't wait to see how this year goes!!!
:bee :watering
This year I am trying several new things and will try to document through pics and yields how they went for me in hopes that others won't have to make the mistakes I've made.
So far, I've tried raised beds and found them very nice but I had them too wide, too shallow and found them too difficult to till. If they had been smaller and deeper, I could probably have done a no-till approach.
I have tried the square foot gardening and still do this whenever I can to maximize garden space. I've found that one can take this a little too far and it may reduce yields when plants are too stacked or crowded.
I've tried mulching and this has revolutionized my gardening....LOVE mulching heavily with old hay or straw. My plants were green and lush when everyone else's in the area were going through drought conditions.
My favorite mulch is fresh grass clippings.
I am currently trying green mulch of white dutch clover and find it a wonderful weed suppressant and a low growing ground cover for my permanent pathways. Not to mention, it really attracts bees, keeps the ground covered and moist, is a nitrogen-fixer and is just darn pretty.
I have plowed right into the clover that I planted last year in my garden. The past few years of adding hay and grass clipping mulches, chicken manure, etc. has seemed to make my soil very workable and rich.
I am also going to plant a garden of corn and pumkins in the pen that I overwintered my sheep in this year. I spread their winter bedding over this space and burned the dry hay. This is approx. 10 ft. x 60 ft. of space and will be the first time it has been planted.
After the corn and pumpkins are through, I will plant turnips, beets, clover and winter wheat. I will be storing the corn stalks and pumpkins for winter feeding.
I will post pics of the freshly plowed rows and will document progress of the garden, as I am trying more companion plantings, SQF spacing, green mulch and trellising on the perimeter fencing this year.
Feel free to post here and give advice, insights, results of things you've tried and pics. I would love all the help I can get!
Can't wait to see how this year goes!!!