Maybe a scoop with the quart size would be handy. I like the idea of drip irrigators. Do they work??
What was the idea that the jugs would scare away pests? We have one of those nutty people in our neighborhood. Let's start off with not finishing the siding with only insulation board on 2 sides of her house for the last 20 years. Instead of that expense/bother she put in about 50 rose bushes. Beside each one, she placed a milk jug on a post.
I asked someone who knows her, why. She believes it repels bugs, I was told. Sure is an attractive yard now!
Maybe she has a lovely personality and we should just look past these things ...
I have used gallon jugs for drip irrigation. When we planted the sugar maples away from the house, I put 4 holes in the top of each jug and carried them out to the trees. I loosened the caps just a tad and turned them upside down beside the trees and within the water dam. It drains slower and has no runoff.
My other choice was watering with a bucket. The bucket watering had runoff, broke the dams, and took me longer.