Garden Addicted
I have been doing a lot of research into raising rabbits (for meat) and wanted to figure out a way to incorporate some of my odd gardening (not squares not rows not conventional) w/ raising some rabbits as natural as I can. My husband is a huge animal lover (but also eats meat) there is no way he would find the suspended 3x3 cages acceptable. (not arguing w/ anyone w/ that set up for sure, I understand the reasons behind those set ups, less preditor access, easier cleaning etc...). I have two big hurdles heat and $$$$. I have done a lot of research into how they grow rabbits for food in poor hot climates and think I have come up w/ a doable plan for me and my family. Much of the materials I plan to use I either already have or can get for free or cheap, and in the process will have a more natural setting for the rabbits. I have made some drawings to illustrate my ideas, but keep in mind I am not a draftsperson, or artist (at least w/o a camera) and couldn't find a pencil w/ eraser to clean up the drawings.
I am hoping this will be big enough to see. This I an over view of the whole set up w/ all garden spots (the pie shapes radiating from the center) and all 4 rabbit den/runs. The very center is the 4 food grade plastic barrels that will be the under ground portion of the dens, there will be walls (old tin I already have) to act as retaining walls it will be like a large raised bed garden spot covering the barrels completely and planted in rabbit friendly food stuffs.
The 4 squares protruding from the center are the 4 outdoor run areas, these are ground level and surrounded by garden. The dotted line rectangle inside each of these runs will be a raised wire area for growing fodder on the ground so the plants can grow through the wire and the buns can have access, I can just toss more seed (as it is seasonal) for them to eat as it grows (thinking things like radish, lettuce, clover, winter oats, new Zealand spinach etc.....) Outside each run on either side of the human door will be a comfrey plant. ( a bocking variety noninvasive)
This is a more detailed drawing of the outside run, the sguare in the back is the retaining wall of the raised garden that is making the dens underground, the circle is the barrel that will be the underground den. I will put a row of cinder blocks on the ground and build my A frame pallet walls on top of the blocks, just on the inside of the cinder blocks will be the raised wire planting area for growing fodder right in the run (not their only source, I will be giving them grain fodder and garden stuff too)
This just shows a little more detail in the run and that the outside will have comfrey and a human door is planned. The rainbow looking thing in the back is the enterance to the underground den.
This will be the barrel and underground den, I will put dirt in for dirt floor, the front will be cut out in large 1/2 circle shape and I will construct something that will sit in place all the time w/ a small rabbit opening but that can easily be removed for human enterance into the den area for cleaning or ness. business.
That is basically it. I know it looks more intensive then the suspended cages and not as easy to establish or keep up with. But the pros of my idea as I see it is made of 80% repurposed stuff, a place to escape the heat w/o needing electricity or my time, it is right in the garden for easy access to humans giving them their food daily, allows for more natural setting, allows for them to graze on living growing food right in the run.
Okay so you rabbit raising gurus, what are the negatives you see w/ my plan so I can either fix or decide if it is a negative I am willing to live with?
I am hoping this will be big enough to see. This I an over view of the whole set up w/ all garden spots (the pie shapes radiating from the center) and all 4 rabbit den/runs. The very center is the 4 food grade plastic barrels that will be the under ground portion of the dens, there will be walls (old tin I already have) to act as retaining walls it will be like a large raised bed garden spot covering the barrels completely and planted in rabbit friendly food stuffs.
The 4 squares protruding from the center are the 4 outdoor run areas, these are ground level and surrounded by garden. The dotted line rectangle inside each of these runs will be a raised wire area for growing fodder on the ground so the plants can grow through the wire and the buns can have access, I can just toss more seed (as it is seasonal) for them to eat as it grows (thinking things like radish, lettuce, clover, winter oats, new Zealand spinach etc.....) Outside each run on either side of the human door will be a comfrey plant. ( a bocking variety noninvasive)
This is a more detailed drawing of the outside run, the sguare in the back is the retaining wall of the raised garden that is making the dens underground, the circle is the barrel that will be the underground den. I will put a row of cinder blocks on the ground and build my A frame pallet walls on top of the blocks, just on the inside of the cinder blocks will be the raised wire planting area for growing fodder right in the run (not their only source, I will be giving them grain fodder and garden stuff too)
This just shows a little more detail in the run and that the outside will have comfrey and a human door is planned. The rainbow looking thing in the back is the enterance to the underground den.
This will be the barrel and underground den, I will put dirt in for dirt floor, the front will be cut out in large 1/2 circle shape and I will construct something that will sit in place all the time w/ a small rabbit opening but that can easily be removed for human enterance into the den area for cleaning or ness. business.
That is basically it. I know it looks more intensive then the suspended cages and not as easy to establish or keep up with. But the pros of my idea as I see it is made of 80% repurposed stuff, a place to escape the heat w/o needing electricity or my time, it is right in the garden for easy access to humans giving them their food daily, allows for more natural setting, allows for them to graze on living growing food right in the run.
Okay so you rabbit raising gurus, what are the negatives you see w/ my plan so I can either fix or decide if it is a negative I am willing to live with?