garlic planting experiment and where the heck are my scapes????


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
Ok I have been growing lots of garlic for many years and always waited for those wonderful scapes as my first harvast of the garlic crop!

well this year because a friend insisted I split my bed and planted half in he fall (like I usually do) and half in the spring (I have never done this because ..well it broke my tradition! and I knew no other way)

the fall garlic as usually is doing fantastic ...big heads that look like they will be ready to harvest in in a few weeks ..the tops are turning a bit brown and they just look fantastic ..but NO SCAPES????:( what the heck happened? I have never grown garlic had it mature and not gotten my wonderful scapes?

the spring garlic ..while it is another species of hardneck (I only grow the hardneck the soft one always rots for me here)
does not look as hardy ....the heads are doing ok but not all that well ..they are healthy but a bit small for the size of the cloves I put in ..and I did get a handful of scapes but not nearly what I usually get ...

funny but I think I will be harvesting the spring and fall garlic at the same time ..they look about equal in growth and readiness

my questions

when do you plant your garlic fall or spring?

do you always get scapes? because up until this year for every garlic clove I got a scape and I am wondering about the development of my bulbs and how no scapes will matter ..or if it does ...

I feel deprived of one of the bonus perks of growing garlic!

I am going to ready two beds for a fall planting starting in August ...loading them with lime and this year plan to go back to planting a LOT more so it will last a year for us ...what I planted this year may only last a couple of months at best :(

I hope the prices go down this year ..last year buying my planting garlic from the growers cost about twice the year before and was so much I cut my beds down to half just because I felt almost insulted by the prices was crazy high so they must have had issues ..but there were loads and they all looked so healthy ..guess I could have asked why the huge hike! :p

was it expensive all over this year to buy your seed garlic? I wonder if it was just our state?

in the past I replanted my own larger heads then after a couple of years ended up with a mess of disease and fungus so I closed the beds to garlic and moved to the other side of the garden ..along with now purchasing it from a wonderful grower here .. now have no problems with disease at all

ok I am rambling now and must actually go to work

any ideas or advice greatly appreciated!


Garden Ornament
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
WI-zone 4
What a bummer! I'm in the middle of scape season and trying to figure out what to do with 850 since I don't have time to get to market!

I always plant in fall. I planted in spring once and ended up with what I call green garlic--which I love also. It is clumps of small garlic bulbs with lots of greens. Basically like green onions.

I replant my own seed now. No problems with fungus :fl Our prices were average here last year--$1-2/bulb. Catalogue prices are insanely high. The $ I quote is farmer's market price.

For fungus, can you soak the seeds in water with baking soda and seaweed?


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
seedcorn said:
what are scapes?
they are the curly flower shoot that comes out the top of the garlic

to me they taste just like a garlic flavored green bean

I just adore them!

Me&TheGals I blanched some one year and put them in the freezer they were not perfect but did fine for soups and stuff not sure if that will help you..

you could send me some :)

I should have said I broke up and replanted my cloves I have never grown from seed only cloves

I think I will just plan for the fall and really work a new bed and not try the sping planting again ...I should not say now they are not ready but seem close and just not as hardy a bulb as the ones planted in the fall ..they must need that cold to really make a good head I think

we have been paying up to ..get this $14/lb for organic garlic for planting ...I was appauled at those prices and wondered if something happened here to cause such a jump ..usually we pay maybe $5 lb max for great big full heads of garlic to plant

I have planted garlic from the grocery store when it was locally grown and it did great ..much cheaper that is for sure

I usually get my heads either at the Farmers Mket or our garlic fest


Deeply Rooted
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Hanson, MA Zone 6a
I plant garlic late, around the end of October. Right now I'm in the midst of scape season, right on time. What we desperately need right now is sun, and not just one day every ten, we need a few days of it!! Made garlic scape pesto last night, it was delish!


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
I plant every year in mid October and this year was the first because a friend insisted I try to put some in the spring

but my wonderment is ..why on earth to I not have scapes when the garlic looks ready to pick? on either one? the fall garlic should be shooting them out now (and there are none) and the sping ones I have no clue (because this is the first time) and I got about a handful of really lame ones ..both the spring panted and fall planted look almost ready to pull ..but the fall is way more hardy and nice looking than the spring ones ..they kind of look lame

I have grown garlic for years and years and never had no scapes ...what happened I wonder?

I will wait a bit longer and see what happens

maybe the scapes are just not eSCAPING LOL ..sorry :p

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