gift cuttings rooted - now what are they and were to plant?


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
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Southeast VA
One of the folks in my Monday night group has been bringing me bits of things to root. Three of them have done WELL and are more than ready to go in the ground. Problem is that neither of us knows what they are or what sort of conditions they would like.
(when he said that he didnt' know if they liked sun or shade I stopped asking questions... how do you get a cutting from something and not know if it's in a sunny spot or a shady one? ... maybe they were a gift to him?)
Anyway, I think the first one is 'Wandering Jew'. I've seen it in baskets and pots but I've been told that it can be planted and will grow year after year. Sunny spot for this one?

The next one has the same slightly fuzzy purple leaves - but only really purple on the bottoms, greener on the tops. This one grows with woodish stems and the leaves have saw-tooth edges. I've heard that plants with colored leaves need more sun because the colors make it hard for them to use the sunlight. (true?) So I would assume this one would like a sunny spot too. Question is, what is it? What might I expect from it's growth habit - spread? Tall? Aggressive? It seems pretty tough - but the kitchen window isn't exactly a hostile environment.

This last one has slightly waxy leaves and 'feels' like a ground cover. The stems are soft and seem to want to spread. It breaks easily - but roots easy too. In the pict, all the little babies in the peat-pot are from the original cutting. The woody stem is what I originally started with. When all these little ones started around the base, and the top was looking pretty sad, I cut the top off and stuck it back in water. Then put the bottom in the peat pot. That's the original top behind it and you can see some weird little antenna sprouting from it's tip. So again. Any idea what it is? And where might it like to live?

edited to add:
I'm planning to re-do a bed next to my side door, under the den window. Right now it's full of the giant hostas. It gets full afternoon sun - which they are not supposed to like but they have been THRIVING. I want to move the hostas forward and plant something tall behind them and I was thinking that the purple things might be nice in front - IF they are low(ish) growing.


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
Cane, I'll look through my books later, but from memory, Wandering Jew is a Tradescantia, a houseplant species of it. We got some when I lived and worked in Montana at the greenhouse nursery. Actually from the owner's daughter in law. Beautiful shades of magenta and purple to almost black with green shimmering leaves.

We kept it on the shade side. Grows most beautifully when little if any direct sun hits it. Takes from cuttings pretty good too, just slow to root. I was asked to propagate it all up and cut the pot way back to the nubs and replace the soil. I spent 4 hours one day doing that whole thing. I think it was November. 3 flats of cuttings in 4" pots. By May or June we were transplanting 2 flats of cuttings that took, 2 out of 3 took, into things like hanging baskets. Wandering Jew is awesome in hanging baskets! Where usually with other things we'd be doing "multipots", several different plants in a pot, Wandering Jew seems best by herself.

Some hanging basket houseplants do great if taken outside during warm weather, and Wandering Jew is one of them. Put her where she will get plenty of bright blue sky but little if any direct sun on her leaves.

She will enjoy an every other year 2 person repotting. One person to hold all her draping stems, the other to hold her rootball and shake the old soil off, and to set her into a nice new fashionably colored hanging basket. She wants to be pretty. When she's pretty she is healthy.


Your other 2 plants there I'll have to dig out my books :) Later today :)

Meantime, if in doubt, an east window is the safe bet. Morning sun.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
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South-est, central-est Wisconsin
The first one looks like what I've called Moses in the cradle. The second looks a bit like Purple Passion Vine (Gynura sarmentosa) except it's not fuzzy. I've never seen Wandering Jew in a solid green leaf - all mine have been striped - but that could be it. The third looks like something in the kalanchoe family. Looks a lot like one of the several called, "Mother of Millions".


Deeply Rooted
Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
Outside of Philly, PA
First one looks like wondering jew, around here it is a house plant. You can plant it outside, but it will die in the winter and doesn't come back. The second one looks like what I know as purple waffle plant. It too is a house plant. You see it a lot sold for fish tanks, but it will die if submerged for too long. It is easy to root though. Last one I am not sure of.

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