So beautiful, @Kassaundra. Glads were Dad's favorite flower so I always have to have them in the garden despite the need to dig and store every fall. This year, I have a bag of them that never got planted. Sigh!
I love that first picture Kassaundra. Maybe because fushia is my favorite color! Smart Red, I'm lucky that the couple of glads I have keep coming back every year. They are a peach color and I'm not crazy about them. I've almost pulled them out several times and then decide to just leave them.
Hey, I has no idea they could over winter in your zone @Nyboy.I think I will leave a few and see if they do here. @Kassaundra stunning floral photos. Especially like the one with the bee.
Carol I am lazy about 15 years ago I planted as a annual. They have come back every year. This year was brutal they came back. Some winters we have almost no snow cover they still came back. Try all you can loose is a few cheap bulbs.