Garden Master
This. This is EXACTLY what I'm up against. Every day.
As far as dog breed personality traits tend to go, had my chow mix run the course, she probably would have shot straight through...and run right past me and into the next county. For my pit bull, Boogie, it could have been a bed of hot coals...she would have crossed it out of pure devotion. Marley only thinks about toys, and food, and shredding the contents of all my trash cans. It is going to be a long road with this one.
As far as dog breed personality traits tend to go, had my chow mix run the course, she probably would have shot straight through...and run right past me and into the next county. For my pit bull, Boogie, it could have been a bed of hot coals...she would have crossed it out of pure devotion. Marley only thinks about toys, and food, and shredding the contents of all my trash cans. It is going to be a long road with this one.