Deeply Rooted
What are some good companion plants for squashes or cucumbers that will help fend off pests like cucumber beetles and squash bugs? Even if they've never been proven to due so? (Looked for that "Carrots Love Tomatoes book, but the library didn't have it.) I'm creating a plan for that extra acre and I'm trying to plan it out to be (relatively) care-free. And by "care-free" I mean something that's still going to take a lot of work to begin with anyway, but can go nearly by itself after the plants are well-established.
Fun fact(s?) just to give you some background info on what I'm planning: squashes and cucumbers have something called allelopathy. This means that they excrete natural chemicals to inhibit/kill nearby plant growth, much like how Black Walnuts. This does only work on particular weeds. Luckily, the weeds that cucumbers/squashes affect happen the be a good part of what is growing in the field that I plan to plant them. At the same time the shade created by the plants with help to further suppress weeds. I will still have a lot of picking/hoeing to do until the plants grow to a good size.
Fun fact(s?) just to give you some background info on what I'm planning: squashes and cucumbers have something called allelopathy. This means that they excrete natural chemicals to inhibit/kill nearby plant growth, much like how Black Walnuts. This does only work on particular weeds. Luckily, the weeds that cucumbers/squashes affect happen the be a good part of what is growing in the field that I plan to plant them. At the same time the shade created by the plants with help to further suppress weeds. I will still have a lot of picking/hoeing to do until the plants grow to a good size.