Saw this today on the Lovage plant. It looks like the little critter laid the eggs with what looks like some silk on them and died soon after. Never seen anything like it before, any clues?
Thanks! I saw something very similar in one of those pictures. When I am out and about outside I try to pay attention to what is flying/crawling around and have seen some wasp type insects. In the future if I come across something like this again I will let it stay and see what happens. Once again Thanks.
Just found this today. The worm does not move when touched so I'm assuming that this is for whatever hatches from the eggs. Gonna keep my eye on this one.
Well since the last post I have found two more egg clusters one with a worm and one without. They have all disappeared and it looked like like something ate it along with most of the leaf that it was on. It sure is fun to see things like this happen, and one day I might get to see what was going to hatch. Being on the look out for insect activity takes away from the stress of watching plants grow LOL.