Chillin' In The Garden
We moved to this place four years ago. It had an established grape vines growing in my fence. We moved here in late fall and I couldn't wait for spring so I could grow some grapes. The first spring/summer, they put on tons of clusters and the grapes got about the size of B-B's and then popped! I thought maybe a good pruning would help. So that fall I pruned, just like the experts said. The next season, clusters galore, grapes the size of B-B's and then pop again. After four years of popping (I noticed they were popping again this year), I am ready to give up. I bought some new vines that I planted last fall. My questions are these: should cut out the old vine, or is there some old grape growing secret that can help? and will its behavior have a bad effect on my new vines if they cross pollinate? Any help would be appreciated.