Attractive To Bees
Does anybody have any ideas why I can grow most things, but can't get my beans to sprout for love nor money. I've been trying for a couple of years now...but we won't count last year, since absolutely nothing grew well last year. First go round, I may (probably) have had seeds that were old enough to vote and I didn't use an inoculant. This year, I got fresh seed from 2 different sources, used an inoculant and after planting 50+ seeds I have 2 (!!) plants in a month. I've planted all over the garden in case they just didn't like the neighborhood. The 2 are in different areas, so that was no help. One is in a raised bed and the other is in the ground.
If kindergarten kids can grow these darn things, what's my problem?????
If kindergarten kids can grow these darn things, what's my problem?????