Carol Dee
Garden Master
I love the furnature and knic-knacs built with willow. Does anyone grow willow for crafting? Any ideas to type and where to plant would be helpful.
Hello Petey. I see wild stuff all over. Just not sure about wandering onto possibly private property to get to it. We have a 2 acre lot that we could give up some bottom area to willow. I have 2 or 3 hardbound books with ideas and patterns. I have had them several years. They projects are on the VERY LONG * I want to do this someday* list. I will send you the names and authors when I find them.peteyfoozer said:There is LOTS of it growing wild here on the ranch. We even had a branding corral made out of it, and the roof on the old stage stop here was thatched willow but it burned down.
The boss keeps spraying it to get rid of it. I would love to learn how to make willow furniture and stuff with it. Do you have any good sources?? Ours grow where there is lots of water...and yes, keep it away from leachlines or pipes, the roots will snake in there and wreck stuff