DW has decided to start the annuals for hanging baskets from seed this year. Looking for some ideas for vining or trailing flowers and plants that we can start from seed. any suggestions are welcome.
I planted trailing nasturtium last year- and they were loads of fun. They reached to the ground! Very easy to start from seed - and they are edible. They come in yellow, orange and red...
My hanging basket had a run in with an exhuberant puppy, so I need to get a new one for my front porch. I like it to hang right above my old iron spoke tractor rim in the flower bed. I have lots of nasturtium seeds, I'll try those in there!
I picked up some nasturtium seeds yesterday, will be starting them today. We looked for bacopa seeds also but couldnt find any we found some online but they were kind of expensive,also sounded hard to get going for my setup and experience so we will just buy some as ussual. There really is not a huge selection of seeds available for trailing type flowers at our local seed shops. We will order seeds online next winter so we will be ready come time to plant.
Thunbergia is an easy vine to grow in a basket or on a trellis. Has shades of yellow daisy-like flowers. Also, cardinal climber and cypress vine are nice vines with small red flowers. They grow easily from seeds. Some seed racks have a special section for vining flowers. They may be pretty well picked over by now, tho.
Lesa, I didn't have any problem getting about 75% to come up. Covered the potting soil with saran wrap after planting till I saw the first one break the surface. They are growing kinda slow now, tho.
Don't know if this will help, but I am planning on 5 hanging baskets that hang on my horse fencing that borders my raised beds. I've researched and discovered that japenese beetles love 4 o'clocks, BUT they are toxic to the beetles and anything else that feeds on them. Hanging them 3 1/2 ft. off of the ground matches the beetles hover height, but keeps them away from my dogs and cats. I'll let you know how this goes.
Don't know how cold you get but I've seen some pretty set ups with something as simple as Tradescantia pallida or what about an ornamental purple sweet potato vine? Those are 2 easy trailors I can think of off the top of my head.