so lucky
Garden Master
Does anyone have to deal with chemical drift from neighboring farm fields? My mom swore that that ruined her flowers one year, from a farmer spraying on a windy day. Something sure got her flowers, but I don't know 100% that it wasn't Dad applying chemicals with missing labels. Anyway, there is a small acreage on two sides of us. The owner planted something yesterday with a planter that looked like it had sprayers on it too. Couldn't tell if it was spraying or not--Don't think it was. Is that something that is done? Spraying Round-up at the same time they plant? I had a bunch of peppers and tomatoes in a green house get damaged by what I suspected was 2,4-D drift from a neighbor spraying his lawn years ago. (fan sucked it in) Do people have problems with herbicide/pesticide drift very much or is it my imagination? And if so, what do you do about it?