Garden Master
I am in the process of getting prices for replacing roof, siding, windows on my house. The big box stores such as home depot and lowes prices are turning out to consistantly be higher than the small and / or mom and pop hardware / lumber stores.
Windows for the same brand and model being up to 50% higher, Hardy Board plank - up to $0.53 per 12' board and up to $1.42 per 4 x 8 Hardy Board panel. Installed roof for the same brand and specifications up to $ 2.85 per square and up to 30% more for labor. It seams that the big box stores add their cut on top of what the contractor that they send out charges.
I have noticed that the quality of most of their products are going and going DOWN over the last few years but the prices increase .
Me thinks that I will be shopping the other guys from now on.