I planted some corn like two weeks ago. It is coming up now. How long do I wait to plant the beans I wanted to plant them so that they grow up the corn stalks? Also should the corn be thinner because of this method?
Beans grow pretty fast, if your soil is the recommended temp (definitely wait for the right temp) then you should probably plant them in another week maybe 2.
I plan on doing some of this myself and have read that the corn needs to be at least a foot tall before planting beans next to them to grow UP the cornstalks.
This is my big plan as well. I just did some research through one of those 'help you plant' programs and it appears in my raised bed I can try 14 stalks or corn, 6 pole beans and 2 Cantalopes in my one bed. There is even room, limited room, but enough for me to plant 4 canedula plants to help keep some bad insects away from my corn.
I may have to pull a couple of those stalks. But 10 stalks seemed like a good pollination number. I know no matter where I looked or whom I asked, you have better luck with corn the more you plant. They like to be in rows of 3 minimum.