I hope everyone's Halloween was great!! Don't eat too much candy now .
I wanted to make something for today so here's my cake with the spider and cobwebs, i also made this concoction thats looks like a witch's brew for decoration:
Ours was OK. I have a lot of candy left over. Really really glad that LED "candles" are now available, otherwise the house would have burnt down--I fell asleep on the couch.
We don't really do the Halloween/trick or treat thing but unfortunately the schools shove it down our kid's throat so to make up for the fact they didn't get to go out asking strangers for candy (that we would eventually throw away anyway) we let them stay up late with some Jiffy Pop and a scarey movie. They liked that a lot
And I am with you on that BDR. Asking strangers for candy right at there house?
That is as bad as last weekend when there was a bunch of young girls holding car wash signs dancing in bikinis on the highway! What are there parents thinking?
Sorry I drifted off there.
I also stayed in and watched movies on my hammock in the living room!
We actually have a lot of kids in the neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods too... so I was out on the front porch giving out candy all night with a cup of coffee. We had some really scared kids coming to the house with their parents... who I don't think we so thrilled with the blood I splattered all over my pumkins and porch. I also had some 'bodies' outlined in chalk on the front walk... we had outdoor speakers playing creepy sounds... had lots of candles and strobe lights flicking on the front of the house. Of course I was a total demon.
I got a great laugh... just sad my husband wasn't here to see everything and take our daughter out trick or treating. She had to go around with my friend's husband and my sister instead.
But MAN those little girls can come home with a serious HAUL of candy. My stomach hurts.