Garden Master
I had a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte go broody several weeks ago. Since I don't have a rooster, I got fertile eggs from a friend that does have a rooster. She brought me 7 eggs. The hen is off the nest, broken eggshells and is growling at me like a junkyard dawg. I want to see the babies so bad!
There are 2 eggs left in the nest, I guess they are no good? Or did she just get tired of setting? I guess if I go pick them up, they will turn out to be exploders and bomb me with rotten egg.
I am so excited! I have Grand-Chicks!!
There are 2 eggs left in the nest, I guess they are no good? Or did she just get tired of setting? I guess if I go pick them up, they will turn out to be exploders and bomb me with rotten egg.
I am so excited! I have Grand-Chicks!!