Snow's nearly gone! Still no grass to be seen yet though - mostly mud with a few snow islands here and there. The ducks and pig are having a fun time with the mud and are making more mud at the same time. Going to need to buy a ton of grass seed once things warm up a little more and dry out.
Looks like spring might not be a few weeks away after all.
Yes, we looked like that two days ago - but today it was 57F and all the pavement is clear. I put up a polytunnel on one of my raised beds to get it melted out! Time to get gardening!
The snow is melting quickly and the water is running. The sun is melting the snow in the garden and. . . . . . tomorrow is supposed to be the day I get heat.
Yup! It is time to get something growing. I can hardly wait until I can be sure temperatures will be suitable for starting seeds inside.